1 Mount Hope Boulevard, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706

HHS Alumni Authors

HHS Alumni Authors – By Decade/Class Year
Anthony Kawalchuk ‘43

A Boy Named Bones

William “Bill” Bohnert ‘50

Lucky Me

Thomas Haines ‘52

A Curious Life: From Rebel Orphan to Innovative Scientist

John Miller Jr. ‘55

Bust Out: A Novel

Tiana Morison Leonard ‘55

A Sterotaxic Atlas of the Albino Mouse Forebrain

Walt Filkowski ‘57

Growing up in America 1939-1960

Making It in America 1960-1996

Sandy Towle ’57 aka Ralph Sanborn

China Red – A Caleb Frost Novel

The Assassin’s Game – A Caleb Frost Novel

John Vaszko ‘57

The Reunion

A Day in the Garden

The Gift

Jeffrey M. Camhi ‘59

A Dam in the River

William H. Ewen Jr. ‘59

Steamboats on the Hudson River

Steamboats to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket

Robert Hirst ‘59

Mark Twain Papers

Frank Levy ‘59

The New Dollars and Dreams

American Incomes and Economic Change

The New Division of Labor

How Computers are Creating the Next Job Market

Robert Merton ‘62

Continuous-Time Finance

Jack McCallum ‘63

Leonard Wood: Rough Rider, Surgeon, Architect of American Imperialism

Military Medicine: From Ancient Times to the 21st Century

Roger Marum ‘63

Faith Doubt and Listening: Lessons Learned By A Reluctant Disciple

Seasons of a Psychotherapist’s Soul

Martha Leary Allen ‘65

The Alternative: School Within a School

Veronica Kelly Badowski ‘65

Holding on With God: Encouragement for the Caregiver

Treading Water With God

Bob Boyles ‘65

Fifty Years of College Football: A History of America’s Most Colorful Sport

Judith Wemer-Chamberlain ‘65


Barry Higgins ‘65

The “Twistory” of the World” He it Could Have Happened That Way

Pharaohs, Presidents & Other Idiots Who Led Us Astray: An Epic Comedy

Tom Wester ‘65

Flowers, Fauna & Memories

Valerie Colb ‘67

Divorce for Richer or Poorer

Abby Seixas ‘67

The Deep River Within

Tom Heany ‘69

First, Learn to Practice

James McCue ‘69

The Legend of Plough Jogger: The Chosen One

The Legend of Plough Jogger: A Mariner’s Reckoning

Susanna Reich ‘71

Clara Schumann: Piano Virtuoso

Penelope Baily Takes the Stage

Painting the Wild Frontier” The Art and Adventures of George Carlin

Minette’s Feast: The Delicious Story of Julia Child and Her Cat

Fab Four Friends: The Boys Who Became the Beatles

Janet Carlson ‘72

Quick Before the Music Stops” How Ballroom Dancing Saved My Life

Craig Thompson ‘72

Francis of Assisi: A New Biography

Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

Gratian” The Treatise on Laws

Revival Preachers and Politics in Thirteenth Century Italy

Staton Rabin ‘76

Mr. Lincoln’s Boys

The Curse of the Romanovs

Mark Lesly ‘77

Subway Gunman: A Juror’s Account of the Bernard Goetz Trial

Sandy Gingras ‘78

How to Live

Books for Grown-ups


Larry Fine ‘79

Murdering Lawyers

Seth Kanor ‘81

Indian Leap

Justin Lifflander ‘83

How Not to Become a Spy: A Memoir of Love at the End of the Cold War

Greg Sanders ‘84

The Motel Girl

Chris DeSantis ‘85

Clocks of New York: An Illustrated History

Double-Crossed: American Countess in the Crosshairs

Gate of Death

Jennifer Guglielmo ‘85

Living the Revolution

Ramie Targoff ‘85

John Donne – Body and Soul

Common Prayer – The Language of Public Devotion in Early Modern England

Daniel Coffeen ‘87

Reading the Way of Things

Thomas Guglielmo ‘87

White on Arrival: Italians, Race, Color and Power in Chicago, 1890-1945

Joshua Martino ‘98


Matthew Spieler ‘01

The U.S. House of Representatives: Selecting a President

Zack O’Mally Greenburg ‘03

Empire State of Mind: How Jay-Z Went From Street Corner to Corner Office

Michael Jackson, Inc.” The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of a Billion-Dollar Empire

Dylan Tucillo ‘04

A Field to Lucid Dreaming: Masting the Art of Oneironautics

Ben Goldfarb ‘05

Eager Beavers Matter

HHSAA Donations

The HHSAA is grateful for donations. In addition to dues, donations support the HHSAA’s ongoing work toward funding scholarships. Donations can be made to the HHSAA generally or to a specific scholarship.

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